Are you curious about what drives someone’s decisions and actions? Understanding a person’s core values can offer profound insights into their character and motivations. Let me take you on a journey through my fundamental beliefs and long-term goals, shedding light on what kind of person I am.

My Core Values that Guide My Actions

  1. Fairness: I can’t stand selfish, egotistical people. While I believe in celebrating achievements, superficiality and self-centeredness make my blood boil. I am quick to defend others when I perceive unfair treatment, which sometimes leads to conflicts. In these situations, I hold grudges and never forget the injustice.
  2. Openness, Especially in Art: I don’t play roles; I am genuinely myself in all situations.
  3. Clarity: Although I’m an enthusiastic ideator, I need time to plan and organize things in my own way before I can engage in group brainstorming. I like to document my thoughts first, which helps me better listen to others and develop ideas together. I maintain a to-do and reminder list for every daily task and prefer not to deviate from my organizational habits. However, I respect that everyone has their way of doing things, as long as it doesn’t lead to chaos and constant surprises.
  4. Freedom: I can’t stand it when someone tries to control or manipulate me or others. My natural reaction in such situations is to walk away.
  5. Safety: I don’t take significant physical risks and follow safety rules and guidelines. However, I am bold in social situations and hardly ever feel nervous.

Long-Term / Continuous Goals

  1. Balanced Life: I’m generally a steady and logical person, but I need to find better ways to handle difficult emotions (as I tend to bottle them up). Additionally, I should aim to mitigate seasonal affective disorder by seeking brighter environments during winter months.
  2. Financial Freedom: In my dream life, I have a small home base in Finland and the opportunity to spend 1-3 months in Southern Europe during winters. Ideally, I would have a creative community in both places.
  3. Creating Meaning through Creativity and Ideas: More important than perfection is humanity, collaborative experiments, and personal growth as a creator.
  4. Experiences, Experiments, and Learning New Things: I enjoy small getaways, walking on unfamiliar streets, swimming in lakes, and photowalks. At the same time, I am someone who appreciates my daily routines.

Are you interested in discovering your core values? I’ve compiled tips for clarifying your values >>