Are you someone yearning for change or wrestling with conflicting thoughts? Your adventurous side whispering, ‘It’s time to tread your own path on your own terms. You’ve earned it. You’ll regret not making changes.’ Simultaneously, your safety-seeking self reminding, ‘Happiness lies in the small moments of everyday life and in appreciating what you already have. Why take risks? Do you truly believe daydreaming will bring anything but trouble and disappointment?’ As night falls, weariness and fear creep into your mind: loneliness, danger, uncertainty.

I’m a safety-conscious planner taking the first steps towards a life that feels more authentic and meaningful to me. In this blog, I share my thoughts and actions as I cautiously yet determinedly progress towards a new phase of life. I won’t offer you a ten-point checklist, a pricey online course, or an airport bestseller. What I have is just an ordinary woman trying new things, making mistakes, and sharing her thoughts through writing. I hope you find points of connection and feel encouraged to share your own thoughts by commenting on the emerging themes.

Välimeren saaressa sijaitsevan talon seinämä, johon on upotettu pyöreä keraaminen koristelaatta. Koristelaatassa on purjealuksen kuva.