Imagine a magical fairy godmother suddenly appearing with her magic wand and declaring: “Today, I will make all your dreams come true, and you will live exactly as you desire!” How would you choose to spend your time in an ideal life, unbound by limitations?

Upon reflection, initial ideas of luxury may give way to a more enduring vision when considering a life lived repeatedly. Here’s a glimpse into what my ideal day looks like:

After some gentle stretching, I enjoy a quiet morning tea and breakfast. I journal and immerse myself in a good book, unhurried.

Next, I hop on my bike for a leisurely ride or head to a nearby lake for a refreshing swim. Post-swim, I relax with a book or jot down ideas. I’ll enjoy the small town atmosphere and people watching.

At the lunch time I’ll meet my friend and we’ll eat outdoors something fresh and healthy. Following this, I magically transport myself back home for a rejuvenating nap (siesta time!).

After the nap it is time to be creative! I’ll write, make music and play with new business ideas. Sometimes just by myself, sometimes together with other creative people. We’ll openly share information and help each other with whatever we are working on.

Evenings are dedicated to connecting with friends and family over a garden dinner or evening out in a small restaurant. As we watch the sunset, we revel in the love and support surrounding us. As night falls, soft garden lights set the mood for laughter, dance, and conversation.”

How to make a dream life reality now?

While acknowledging that life entails more than just sleep and laughter, I believe certain aspects of this dream can be realized today. Here are the steps I’ve already taken:

  • Morning Rituals: I start 90 % my mornings with an outdoor walk or small exercise routine.
  • Mindful Beginnings: I dedicate time for journalling and reading before starting my workday.
  • Variety in Lunch: During summer I go out and bike to different lunch restaurant every day so that it feels like I am experiencing something new. Even when dining alone I text to at least one of my friends and ask how they are doing.
  • Weekly Creativity: Since I am working full time and having a house/family to take care of, I don’t have time to be creative on daily basis. But I try to fit some creative moments to each week.
  • Evening Activities: To maintain energy for work and life, I restrict activities outside home to twice a week. This ensures sufficient interaction with friends and creative communities.

Having experimented with my dream life in an artist residence during the summer, my next adventure involves testing life in Southern Europe during winter. I aim to discover if the abundant light can sustain the energetic lifestyle I envision. Before making any significant move, I plan to explore various destinations and choose the one that aligns best with my dream.